The only way to change your destiny is to train your body and mind to
overcome the natural descent away from functional movement.

50 WODs on the Road

Thanks to Crossfit Virginia Beach for most of the ideas:

  1. Run 1 mile for time.
  2. 10 push-ups, 10 squats, 10 rounds.
  3. Tabata Squats: 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds. Count your lowest score.
  4. 5 pushups, 10 situps, 15 Squats AMRAP 20 minutes.
  5. Run 1 mile with 100 air squats at midpoint, for time.
  6. 7 squats, 7 burpees, seven rounds, for time.
  7. 10x 30 second handstand to 30 second bottom of the squat hold.
  8. Run 400m rest 60 sec X 3
  9. Run 1 mile, plus 50 squats-for time.
  10. 100 burpies for time.
  11. 5 squats, 5 push-ups, 5 sit ups, 20 rounds.
  12. 5 burpees, 10 situps, 15 squats, Run 100m AMRAP 10 minutes
  13. 50 air squats x 5. Rest equal amounts as it took to do each 50.
  14. Run 1 mile and do 10 push-ups every 1 minute.
  15. Sprint 100m 30 squats…8 rounds.
  16. 30 push ups, 30 second handstand ...3 rounds.
  17. 10 sit ups and 10 burpies…10 rounds-for time.
  18. Tabata Double Unders
  19. 250 jumping jacks…for time.
  20. 100 jumping jacks, 75 air squats, 50 push ups, 25 burpees. For time.
  21. Tabata Push-ups.
  22. 30 second handstand against a wall, followed by a 30 second static hold at the bottom of the squat. 5 rounds.
  23. With eyes closed do 10 air squats, open 10 push ups eyes closed, 5 rounds for time.
  24. Run 1 minute, squat 1 minute 5 rounds.
  25. Air squat x 10 push up x 10 sit up x 10 3 rounds for time
  26. 10 push-ups, 10 hollow rocks, run 200 meters….5 rounds.
  27. Do Tabata Squats with eyes closed.
  28. Bottom to bottom ( rest at the bottom of the squat instead of standing….without support on your hands or butt and make the bottom good, straight back, butt back)…..Tabata squats.
  29. 20 sit ups with support under the lumbar spine, 20 push ups, run 400m, 4 rounds.
  30. Handstands, 30 second hold, 30 second static squat, 30 second rest, 8 rounds.
  31. Sprint 50 meters, 10 push ups. 10 rounds.
  32. 50 air squats, 4 rounds. rest for 2 minutes between rounds.
  33. 3x 20 tuck jumps. 3x 30 second handstands.
  34. 400m run/sprint 30 air squats, 3rounds for time.
  35. 20 jumping jacks, 20 burpees, 20 air squats…3 rounds
  36. Run 100 meters and do 20 air squats. 10 rounds
  37. 100 air squats 3 min. rest, 100 air squats.
  38. 10x 50 meter sprint.
  39. Tabata…20 seconds on 10 second rest 8 rounds of…tuck jumps and then sit ups
  40. Run 400m air squat 30 hand stand 30 seconds 3 rounds for time
  41. 50 burpees for time.
  42. 5 pushups, 5 squats, 5 sit-ups – 20 rounds
  43. Run 1 mile, stopping every minute to do 20 air squats.
  44. 30 second handstand, 60 second squat hold ( at the bottom of the squat) – 5 rounds
  45. Run 200 meters, 50 squats, 3 rounds
  46. Tabata Burpees
  47. Air squatsx20, Burpiesx20, Push-Upsx20 – 3 rounds…for time.
  48. Walking lunge 20m, Run 100m, 5 burpees, 10 squats X 5 rounds for time
  49. Bear Crawl 50m, lunge 25m, 10 Turkish Getups (unweighted) AMRAP 20 min
  50. Sprint 100m, rest 60 secs X 10 rounds. Record total time.